Thursday, April 29, 2010

Splish Splash

It was time to face the truth: tonight was the first swim session. Agh. I've been dreading this. It's been years since I swam 'on purpose' and did more than splash around with floaties! But I had to start somewhere; it's 16 weeks or so until the race, and I need to get into condition to swim 1/2 mile, in a lake, with fish and seaweed and other unknown aquatic life.

Luckily, the Y's pool was sparkling clean, no fish or seaweed to be seen! Into the water I went, and splish splash, I was swimming! Hurray! For about 5 strokes and then all of a sudden I realized, whoa, this is tough! I made it to the end of the pool, caught my breath, and then back I went. My form is not great, but Brook, the coach, gave me some good pointers. After that warmup drill, we did 25 yards with kickboards, and then 25 yards with a float between our legs, so we could focus on our strokes. I was really fatiguing at this point, so I took a breather while chatting with the other team members. Next up was a 50 yard drill, and I have lots of opportunity for improvement on that distance, if you know what I mean!

I did another 50 yards breaststroke and then called it a night. A quick 'cool down' in the hot tub, and then home to wind down. I'm TIRED. Swimming is a full-body workout and I know that I'll sleep well tonight - it's hard to believe that in 4 months I'll be swimming...then biking...and then running. All on the same day, on purpose!

Tomorrow is a rest day, and then Saturday is a run day, and Sunday is a "brick" workout; that's two sports back to back. In this case, a swim, followed by a run. Guess I should rest up!

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